Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Herbs and Mushroom

 Added the first type of mushroom to the game. You can harvest different size bunches of it. No other use for it atm but this one is an edible one, so you can get food without going back to town.

Mushrooms only spawn in the forest.

Also updated the herbs to have different size bunches, Tiny, Small and Large. Tiny doesn't give you any herb but gives you sticks instead. Sticks are going to be used in crafting later on.

 I also changed the UI icons for the herbs to make them look nicer.

Skills Update

I have hard coded the skills into the game so there is not need to have the .dll file to have skills in game.

Will be updating the way you gain skills in the future. So instead of having them from the start you will have to figure out how to gain them or purchase a skill book.

To gain a skill you just need to do something a heap of times. Do it enough and you will unlock the skill.

I will be adding a new shop in the future that will sell magic and skill books. You could probably think of skills as a passive form of magic.

Going to revamp the leveling of skills. Atm you can level your trading skill so high everything will be free or you can get 100 herbs from one plant if your harvesting skill is to high. But to achieve this you would need to get to level 100 and only add points into the one skill.

Will get version 0.14 out hopefully in a week.

Sunday, 4 December 2022

New Skill

 Added a new light armor skill with resistance stats that increase with every level.

The way armor worked before this was that is would absorb all incoming damage from the wearer. Basically giving the wearer and extra health bar that would need to be reduced before their health bar would go down. 

The new way is that it would absorb a percentage of damage before damaging the player. Percentage base is in the description.

I'm still not entirely sure about the way to go about this is. If I should stick with the new way or keep the old way.