Tuesday, 17 January 2023


I have almost finished with the armor. I have got them to randomly build in the shop and set a name and description based on the materials used in crafting them.

Pricing still needs to be fixed to work with the new armor, but other than that is seems to be working well with no bugs. Will still be tweaked as time goes by.

Even made the armor lose layers if their health goes below 0. Will make it so you can only repair the armor if the base is over 0. Also make it so damage layers will need to be removed before fixing or upgrading. 

Gif of new names and descriptions.

Also made so in the shop if you hover over the buy or sell list the item info will appear. Still need to look into being able to remove items off either list one at a time, so you don't need to reset the whole list if you make a mistake. 

Monday, 16 January 2023

Game Systems

While I was working on the shop I had to take another look at the armor. Well, one thing led to another and I had to redo the armor/damage system.

So I have started an upgrade on the armor/damage system for the game. Armor will come with 3 different parts. A base, reinforcement and plated. The armor names will be set by what they are made out of. Except for special ones.

Base: This will be what the under-armor is made of. Like a shirt you can add bits of metal to.
Reinforcement: This addon will be used to make the Base stronger.
Plated: This is to add plating over the top of your Base or Reinforced armor.

Concept Art of new armor.

Material Strength and Naming

May make it that the reinforcement only adds halve or 3 quarters of the material strength. I am open for ideas. 

I'll be working on adding new reinforcement and plate armor for steel and other materials. This is getting ready for the ability to craft or repair you own armor. As seen in the bottom armor where the plate isn't as good as the other iron plate. This will be due to skill level.

If this new armor works well I will add in different types of leather to increase the base armor. Each material comes with a hardness or armor rating and adds to the total armor amount.

The new damage system, still needs tweaking, will damage the armor layers first before inflicting damage onto the play. I tried to use percentage base damage but that didn't quite workout. So now the armor acts like a second health bar. Much like it did back when I first put armor into the game.

There is also armor skills that will negate a percentage of incoming damage per level if wearing the armor of said skill, this is totally op at high levels but it will be very time consuming to get to that level. At level 20 in light armor skill you negate 84% of damage.

Other than the armor/damage system I am working on atm I have finished the basics of the new money system. Money is now an in game object. You even have a wallet/pouch to hold it in. Atm you need a wallet or you can't carry any money but I made it so you start the game with one, for now. Going to add "that if no wallet money go in pocket" code later, mainly so it's possible to lose your wallet or have it stolen or to steal someone else's.

Once I am happy with the armor and the damage system is working well I am planning on posting the new build. The next system I want to work on is a searching system where you will be able to search any container or area marked as searchable to find locally based items or rubbish.

I also want to look into using a different character model that has more movements and weapons to use. I am no artist so I need to find or get someone else to make them for me.