Saturday, 4 January 2025

Update - Webpage and no more updates here

Hello Everyone

I have made a website for all my games. CoreRealms. This website is for all my work. Only Adventure Game is on there at the moment with mention of Maze Game. Once I get my laptop back I will look into working on Maze Game again. I have also made a Patreon to help me with development of the game and hopefully a way to get rid of the placeholder art. Unfortunately since I now have a Patreon I will no longer be posting updates here (not like I remembered to do that anyway). I will leave the game build up here still for people to try it. 

If you post a comment or feedback I may send you a link to a new build. (the one here is the latest atm)

Thank you

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Found bug in testing

 Version 0.16.1 has a bug when you die. I will fix it up as soon as i can. Also there is a bug where some slime monsters don't do any damage to you.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Big Changes

Day and Night Cycle

Added day and night to make the game move along. Environment will in the future change based on time of day. 


Can plant and grow and harvest 3 types of plants at the moment.

Player Home

Has a storage container you can store items in. Storage container only saves armour, swords and potions atm. You can also sleep in house to pass time. House can be bought from tavern for 2 large silver coins(buggy atm)

I have been busy


I have been working on the game but just haven't been here to post any progress.

I have added a heap to the game since my last post. I have added the newest build to the download tap on the right. I have encrypted the texture files, so i have removed the download link to the previous game builds.

I will update the change log to you can see what has changed. 

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

A bit of a Break

Got a bit burned out with the Ai and decided it was time to have a bit of a break from making the game. 

Haven't given up on it. Been reading books and playing games of the same genre to give me more ideas for the game.

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

A* is finished

I have successfully added A* to the game. It seems to be working quite well I just have to update the wolf code to have the animations follow the path and add in line of sight code to have it be a bit better.

With this I have even got the A* to update the obstacle list to remove the node the tree is one once said tree has been removed. 

Monday, 20 March 2023

A* PathFinding

In the process of adding A* pathfinding into the game. This is the first time I have attempted to do pathfinding so it is taking me a little more time than I originally thought.

This is a test gif of the code working from random locations.

This is an image of the wolf enemies having the code and trees acting as obstacles.